When I was young, 'Di' (my dad) used to take me& my siblings for adventures here and there in his car..exploring shortcuts & places in housing areas, estates, & places with best food. He loved fishing.Perhaps that's why he enjoyed exploring.
Unfortunately I married my hubby who is not that adventurous type but prefers to stay at home & read newspaper or just simply laze around at home. Perhaps that's because he is tired of travelling outstation almost everyday.
Therefore, whenever there is opportunity to explore places of interest & best still when it is near home, I would take my family there.
Today we went to a Pomelo farm not too far frm our home. It is situated in Tambun & it is behind the Pomelo Stall named Gerai Limau Tambun Chin. Thanks to a facebook friend G, who was kind enough to find out the details to that location.
Though there's not much to see besides pomelo, bonsai, farm chicken & farm dogs, it was an eye opener to my 4 kids. What amused me was when they were so thrilled to see the chickens & many dogs there.They asked me "Mummy why the chickens are so huge?"
Here are pictures taken when we were self exploring the farm (coz the owner just left for lunch break!) So the Indon maid incharge allowed us to explore on our own:
The pomelos are bigger than my girls' faces.
If you are there, dont forget to taste the sweet juicy pomelos! Reasonable priced, too. Maybe you could try your luck to buy some farm chicken eggs, too!
Will be going again next week but with a group of Stroke survivors , their carers & volunteers frm a stroke centre. Today's trip is actually for me to survey the place to see if it's suitable for the strokees. There were good toilet facilities & the easy pathway for them to walk with walking aid and the place is wheechair friendly...so pass!